Wednesday, April 27, 2011


People across China:
When you hear on TV newspaper reports about pollution, or pollution of the environment that the terrible scenes of the reality in front of you is not care, merely to find out? still quite concerned, quite worried about the world's environment? alternatively h. ..
earth is our home, is she, like our mother, gives life; that her life has given us the necessary conditions; that she gave us the right to live. But people are ungrateful, wanton destruction of our Mother Earth, still arrogant.
make one instance, we humans favor water, desperately wanted to depart glass, if the cup broken, the water will eventually dry, but cup is the Earth.
recent years, the Earth is gradually weakened and depleted.
such as a large digit of polar glaciers melt, this ambition endanger people life, cause universal warming; a lot of ice into water, yet likewise the quick ascend in sea class, some low-lying countries will be overran, even if China namely Asia's overran, where we live? there are some beasts that live in the glacier also could be threatened with extinction, this is a disgustful entity!
caused this incident, simply because there are holes in the ozone layer, the aperture is there for people drove by the erasure of the climate. and people is because a large number of car exhaust emissions simply do not mind the safety of Mother Earth.
say that Taihu Lake pollution incident, close the discharge of anyone chemical contamination to the water accessible. companies discharge of sewage to the peerless conditions as survival of cyanobacteria, algae spread to folk the animals drink the water of Taihu Lake will have a kind of diseases.
If always the water sources are contaminated, how humans? water,Red Star Wine Chiang, but the source of human life!
It is also unrepentant exploitation of coal mines. Expert foresaw that in the ninety years afterward, all the coal resources will be exhausted by that period, humans will happen? tin not cook, can not ride.
if people garbage water, the water dried up, men how to live?
do not do not affix magnitude to, and this endangers our lives!
Some people say, to decease? you have your own rectitude? you have for others, for the sake of the earth, she gave you life, as you return to your Earth mama? you remedy your Mother Earth?
We now have to take behavior. fewer use of automobiles a daytime,beijing massage, not longer cause the ozone hole, it will not cause global warming, polar ice melting, the land flooded. less sewage discharge point,beijing escort, do not let the algae blooms in Taihu Lake events repetition. less a piece of paper, so that the forest is no longer bare, mudslides, wind is no longer attack. from us to begin and maintain residential environment, do not spit. the sun warm laughs everywhere, the birds could be heard ringing everywhere cry, you can penetrate the earth beautiful home! Do not muddled anymore, do not headstrong anymore, so that 1 day the earth fleeing out of resources, then the end of life! time, and then rue it forever also late.
Save our planet immediately! Do not selfish to make money, money is secondary, life is momentous. upkeep of ecological poise, preservation of normal resources, a aggregate of camp life and green. to re-emerge tender green grass land make explicit once afresh into the mountain lake, so infinitely beautiful context of green to build life.
retention our planet! attention of our globe! because you are children of Mother Earth!!! you are also a life!!! !

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