Wednesday, April 27, 2011

for I think

Today you do entities people wonrt do, tomorrow you will do things people canrt do.
If the boat of your imagine doesnrt come to you, I ambition swim to it .
If you can dream it, you can achieve it.
Writing: 30minutes, 500wrods.
Clarity, efficiency writing is trying to mention, not what you ambition to translate
You apparently express your opinion.
Integrated writing and neutral writing
sentence exercises
1: A on B is very important.
A plays an important role in B.
The importance of A to B can never be exaggerated.
education on a country's development is very important.
Education plays an important role in the evolution of our nation a country.
The importance of education to the development of a nation can never be exaggerated.
If the students live off campus will be beneficial to his ability to exercise independence (live on the exercise outside of school autonomy is very important)
Living appearance university plays for students plays an important role in the development of the individuality of independence. < br> The importance of living outside campus to the development of the personality of independence can never be exaggerated.
cross-cultural communicative competence in our pluralistic society is quite important to our success.
Cross cultural social skill < br> In the plural society
Our success
The cross cultural social skill plays an important role in our career success in the plural society.
The importance of the cross cultural social skill to our career success can never be exaggerated.
body is the chief of revolution (the body is very important for success).
Our vocation success
Health plays an important role chapter in our career.
The importance of health to our career can never be exaggerated.
reserve good hours and good health. You have eminent health. Take good attention of your health.
parents very large clash on us.
The influence of our parents
Our growth
Parents play an important role in our growth.
The importance of the inspire of our parents to our growth can never be exaggerated.
Zhao Wei's eyes are very big. The size of Miss Zhaors eyes can never be exaggerated.
language is power. The power of language can never be exaggerated.
pulchritude is very beauteous. The beauty of Miss Xi can never be exaggerated.
built factory has many advantages. built factory noise , bored.
Building a factory
The advantages
The avails of establishing a factory close our community tin be never amplified.
The disadvantages (injure) of structure a factory near our community can be never exaggerated.
Nothing is more important to B than A.
protection of endangered category is important in nourishing ecological balance.
The endangered animals
Maintenance of the ecological balance
The protection of environment
Nothing is extra important to maintenance of the ecological balance than the protection of endangered animals.
The protection of endangered animals activities one important role in the maintenance of the ecological balance.
The magnitude of the conservation of jeopardized beasts to the maintenance of the ecological balance can never be exaggerated.
fallible words: pastime-pasttime, pronunciation-prononciation, changeable-changable, writing-writing, truly-truely, success (n), succeed (v )-suceed, ninth nineteenth-ninteenth Is not to be secondhand in questions telescoped
A large quantity of an uncountable noun modified by learning wisdom
: obtain amass obtain acquisition increase, no learn knowledge
The majority minority of
Minority nationality
story three segments of the main architecture of the structure of the intermediate type 2-1 point or support surface
argue two advantages of (point, details are described, examples), discussion points, alternatively support surface failings.
a a advantage of A, develop, example. I think, because I think, for instance, you see, you look at hh
b a advantages of A, develop, example. I that, because I think, case in point, you see, you see at hh
c the disadvantages of B
I think the alternative of three: I think claim trust quarrel , I share the opinion that, my perspective is that
in my opinion, for distant as Irm cared,
sentence spoken:
conjunction with the parenthesis: 6
causal relationship, lead to result in, because since as, because of deserving to thanks to
In consequence in the end
parallel relationship, In the 1st location, in the second location; on the 1 hand, on the additional hand
namely the terminal one, most important of all, eventually, in consequence, in the end
conversion statement, on the inverse in (by) contrary, whatever, assorted people have different opinions towards this argument.
Each coin has two sides.
laborious sentences: attributive phrase, rhetorical questions, the subjunctive mood,
words added AJ
health and safety:
health, keep appropriate (healthy), in good health, mighty (adj), vigorous (adj), vigorous (adj)
security, safety, food safety, life manner,
bodily harm, impair (v, n, elapse tense elapse participle), do harm to , injury
exercise, physical exercise, a.m. exercise, eyes exercise, swimming,
Wealth health is over wealth.
nourishment nutrient
relax relieve stress, abatement relax (V), release, loosen
handy, effortless, facility (n), facilitate (v),
save time, waste time
amenable hours, flexible hours
transport, transport, traffic , communication
entertainment, leisure (n), distraction (n)
fitness shopping health, fitness, shopping, remedial management
economic (n) the economy, economic (adj) economy , frugal savings, economist (an economist), economics (economics, economy file)
employment, employ unemployment, hired employer, win employment, get a job, start a career, lose job
career , profession, occupation,toronto escorts, career
agriculture, harvesting, industry, services
wages, remuneration (time-piece), disburse, salary (nailed)
revenues, income (n), income (n)
expenses, consume,tens of dollars a kg. Actually, pay, disburse (n), expenses (n), outlay (n)
effectiveness, efficiency agriculture, salutary result
impose, tax, taxing, taxation, collect tax
tourism, peregrination, tour, tumble, junket, tourism (tourism)
the advantages of tourism
the benefits of tourism, increase employment, promote the development of narrated industries, increase taxes, increase awareness, attract investment and promote cultural exchanges increase the employment rate promote the development of relative industries, writing to annotate, such as services to amend
increase the popularity of services
preoccupy investment
subserve civilization interchange communication
the advantages of traveling
reduce accentuate , relax, be inspired
reduce our oppression, relax, inspire us
career preparation
additional knowledge
new experience
communicate, interact, social skill,
group activities,
make friends
happiness and emotion:
happiness, congratulating, consciousness emotion, emotion
interest, home, friendship, love, fun happiness delight rejoice, personal likes and grudges of personal predilection style savor
success (n), succeed (v)
obtain, victory, realize one's dream ideal goal the merit of one's lif, materialize, fulfill, approach, aggrandize, explore , make it.
sense of humor, sense of attainment, positiveness, championship, compete (v), contend (v), explore the latent of latent (n), dynamic power force motion, pressure
wealth, richness , asset
environmental protection:
balance nature, ecological balance, the balance of nature
the environment equilibrium
the agreeable relationship among people and nature
desertification, desertification, deforestation, deforestation, dust storms, sandstorm, dry drought, floods torrent
the protection conservation conservation of animals, protect defend maintain (V)
contaminate pollute, pollution contamination, contaminated (adj)
garbage, consume nonsense garbage trash
water, atmosphere, light, rumpus, radiation radiate, acid rain
microwave oven microwave ovens
personality, temperament
competent capable, mart clever smart bright,
cooperation teamwork, cooperate go together collaborate
persevering perseverance persist, diligent sedulous
independent independence, be independent, lenient (adj), caring considerate (v) show consideration for, modest modest, aboveboard (adj), honesty (n)
integrity is the best strategy.
technology and education:
technology, pedagogy, exercising
microprocessor, television, satellite, mobile, efficiency
weather forecast
State and Civilization
country, civilization
public public good interest, charitable charity, volunteer
inheritance and develop, pass on from one generation to another, Ice Age, scatter, popularize
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