Wednesday, April 27, 2011

the economic the dominant environmental irrational use of normal resources

The meaning of sustainable development: 1, emphasizing the principles of fairness, including the generation of equity, intergenerational equity and fair delivery of restricted resources 2, emphasizing the principles of sustainability, the essence may refer to economy and social evolution of person resources can not exceed 3 with the carrying capability of the surroundings, emphasizing the commonality of the principles of sustainable development for the overall goal of global evolution, it embodied the principles of equity and sustainability are prevalent, and to effect this goal must be global co-operation of folk . sustainable development has the characteristics: 1, 2, to encourage conservation of the normal economic growth 3 to enhance the quality of life adjustment aptitude of ecosystems: 1, structural diversity. extra complex the framework the stronger competence to automatically modify the contrary .2 , functional honesty. refers to the eco-system of vigor stream and matter cycles in the biological control of physiological feature can obtain causativeable action. operation of the more rational and the ability to automatically adapt the stronger. ecological equilibrium disorders flag: 1 , the structure of the sign. including a structural flaw and the secondary structure changes. an is the assorted components of the ecosystem, namely makers, buyers, decomposers and abiotic components of ecosystem structure formed. When the combination primary structure of one or a few components of a defect, namely namely that the ecological balance disorders. secondary structure refers to the composition of each makeup of their structure, changes in secondary structure essay of secondary structure refers to alteration the assorted components . such as over-grazing, less poisonous grass gifted students guide to .2, functional signs. including the disruption of energy stream and substance circulation interrupted. blocked energy flow is the pole in a nutrition hampered material cycle is intervened at a links broken. biological monitoring features: 1,April 22 namely the premier Earth Day 41, 2 integrated and authenticity, long-term 3, 4 sensitivity, uncomplicated economic and dialectical relationship among the environment: one surroundings is the material basis of economic development and constraints 2,toronto escorts, the economy the dominant environmental irrational use of normal resources, ecological problems occasioned by: 1, 2, soil erosion, species diversity dripped .3, land desertification in China Program for Nature Conservation: 1, describes the ecology conservation go in the modernization of the status and character of 2, apparently the natural context and conservation of natural resources, the notion of conservation work narrated some rules to be emulated 3, describes the development and utilization of natural resources issues and protection measures 4, 5 appointed National Nature Reserve, 6 Nature Reserve, the commonality of ecology conservation measures to dilute land degradation causes: land development and applying of the unreasonable .2, 3, desertification and soil erosion, land pollution, 4, 5, soil salinization, needy management. China measures as the protection of land resources: 1, development of the overall land use intending, land treatment decree in the fashionable land use planning in a remove lawful prerequisite to do 2, the construction land and farmland aggregate sum control of 3, to establish compensation system because farmland 4, 5 basic farmland protection system, strengthen supervision and inspection of land management,toronto escort, 6, 7, strengthening ecological construction, pollution hindrance and control of jungle land, including general: 1, forest resources, lumber resources, forest resources, 2, the physical survival of the forest resources Resources 3, attached to the forest communities of brutal animals, plants and microbial resources, Yin Senlin resources exist and the environmental resources of the magnitude of the tourism resources in the forest: 1, in the global carbon wheel activities an major regulatory character. forest ecosystems are major carbon sinks, tonnes of carbon per year fixed-36X109 2, forest timber product bottom, with anniversary global lumber about 30X108 m 3, the forest is a green screen and green human treasure 4, forest ecosystems can be purified environment, nice for human health. the protection of forest resources: 1, 2, to strengthen forest management, changes in forest management musing 3, quickened afforestation, optimize the structure, adjust the layout of 4 forestry production, forest protection to improve the significance of protecting grassland resources: solar energy transition of grass is to chemical energy, bio-energy green energy library, is available for human livelihood and production base, yet also a rich gene pond, it is adaptable, covering the area, update speed, the livelihood of ecological poise, soil and water conservation, sand-fixing and additional important ecological functions. the protection and rational development and utilization of grassland resources in the development of animal husbandry can ease the trust of the folk aboard food and depress the oppression of population ashore cultivated land and amend the class of human life, for economic and social development for the protection of grassland resources ~ : 1, 2, strengthening the management of grassland resources, emphasis above the development of the grass business. build up the construction of grassland management and prevention of grassland catastrophe. biodiversity conservation measures: 1, 2, strengthening the management of biodiversity conservation, improve the web of ecology reserves and additional protected areas 3, the protection of biological diversity important for savage category and genetic resources of harvests and cattle 4, the establishment of a extensive biodiversity message and monitoring networks 5, beyond strengthening the protection of biological diversity, the significance of multinational cooperation in nature reserve and function: Nature can provide humanity with the natural ecosystem, museum of natural category, with a certain space of ​​nature reserves to save the survival of a diversity of biological and environmental conditions, is a natural gene bank for the hereafter of humanity need to provide material 3, for the upkeep of the Biosphere Reserve an important role in the ecological balance. protection of ore resources measures: 1, 2, to defend mineral resources, mineral resources, the use of economic manner to protect 3, on the entire process of development of mineral resources Environmental Management 4, open source and dwindle expenditure in array to throttle the chief Environmental pollution characteristics: 1, shock range, the role of a long time, up to 24 hours 2, pollution within the complex result of pollutants in the human: 1, aggression and digestion of toxic materials, respiratory and absorbent tract 2, the delivery of poison accumulation of toxic substances sponged along the direction, the blood distribution to the human tissues, differ distribution of various poisons, poison secret in the organization long term, the sum can be gradually amassed, a phenomenon called the collection of 3 toxic biotransformation. In appending it small portion of the small molecular weight water-soluble mighty poison can be eradicated from the body the native chart, the extensive bulk to all over some arrange of toxic metabolic enzyme to change its toxicity, the role of this process is called biological transformation .4, the excretion of toxic substances. toxicants dismiss in the respiratory tract primarily via the kidney, a small amount of breast can with the perspiration sweat secreted in saliva and other secretions. but also the metabolism of the peel to reach cilia and quit the body.

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