Wednesday, April 27, 2011

merely the blood of the Chinese country.

Nature nurtures all life, for human survival, the purchase and evolution of the maximum basic guarantees, the formation of today's civilized globe.
But because of ignorance, some of the activities of human destruction of the ecological balance a excellent extent, break the place of human beings,here and there, and thus subject to caustic vengeance of nature. four alternatively five thousand years ago had a wonderful moment in human history, the some chapters of the abandon, thousands of years antecedent was a green lea, natural lea cattle fat, due to redundant grazing and chance sand sea; large areas of northwest China, four thousand years antecedent, covered with dense forests, woodlands are immediately buried, soil erosion , sand miles northwardly line of nine provinces, the average annual desertification area 2 thousand acres, sand advancing Beijing. we will not forget, in the northwest, the history of the antique city for the sand swallowed the number ah!
harsh reality ahead the people before. According apt statistics, soil erosion space of ​​1,510,000 square kilometers, an anniversary taint wastage of 50 million tons. Among them, the Yellow River mean anniversary stream of 1.6 billion tons of sediment, and soil formation namely very slow, several centuries before the formation of an inch, anybody loss of topsoil, it is complicated resumption. Moreover, a large population, arable land district namely small, in the land of our forefathers shed blood,beijing escort, perspiration what! of the Yellow River flow is no dirt, but the blood of the Chinese country.
havoc of the ecological balance of the disadvantageous consequences of global ozone is the UV blocking a natural barrier in the macrocosm, but for of modern equipment such as carbon monoxide emissions from a large number of substances depleting the ozone, ultraviolet take advantage of opposition the body. dioxide The surge broke the Earth and external space, the heat commute balance, the world persisted warming, polar ice began to melt, as well as foreign beasts extinct, bad climate and so above.
bitter lessons of schooling people, human beings disburse a big price, finally get up up and start protecting nature and retaining ecological balance, to fight for their own survival. My Government has actively taken measures to enact a series of regulations shrieked because afforestation and the protection of natural . favor the Northeast had yet received a certain efficacy of conservation woods system. But we should likewise see that, deforestation, pollution of the context of the event continues to happen, some people even ignore the statute. So we need to mobilize entire forces to stop these acts school people not to ignore short-term interests of the chaos, dry out the silly things that damage to future generations, as the sinner,toronto escorts, let us doing to defend the ecological balance, and make life better right

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